Monday, March 5, 2012

  I had the pleasure this Sunday to accompany a friend to the airport. She was meeting her husband there, who had been away for 8 months and was coming home for a short visit. I really admire, not only the soldiers who go overseas to serve our country, but also the strong and dedicated wives who are left behind. It takes a lot of courage to let go of a spouse and be on your own for such an extend amount of time.

  The homecoming, though?

  I specialize in wedding photography and, I'll admit, I tear up just a little when the bride walks down the aisle and the groom sees her for the first time. I'm used to this. It's all just part of the game.  In this soldier's homecoming however, there was such a surge of emotion throughout the day that it just blew me away.

 I stopped by early in the day while the wife was readying herself for her husband's arrival. While making homecoming signs with his sister and fixing her hair, you could feel the excitement and nervousness in the air.

 Upon arrival at the airport, the nervousness subsided and gave way to impatient giddiness.

  As soon as the plane arrived, everyone sprung to their feet and crowded the exit gate hoping to be the first to catch sight of him. Even MY heart was pounding! Once spotted, it was mere seconds before the two bounded across the room and into each other's arms. I could feel my own tears welling up behind my viewfinder as I watched those of all the family's pour down their faces.

  It was at this point that it became apparent that it was my time to leave. I have never witnessed anything quite like it and it certainly made my day to be a part of it. Welcome home Sgt. Beavin! Lots of love to you and all of your family.

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